C.Facility Design Engenharia


Novo projeto

A C. Facility Design atua ha 23 anos no mercado realizando projetos de arquitetura, engenharia e Interiores residencial, comercial e industrial. É empresa de referencia na região de SP e Vale do Paraiba por seus inúmeros projetos realizados e publicado sobretudo na área corporativa no Brasil e em outros países. Idiomas : português, inglês, italiano.

C Facility Design Engenharia : Company to provide engineering design services, layout, Interior and architecture for deployment, expansion and retrofit of public and private corporate ventures.Development of engineering design, architecture, layout, interiors and Retrofit in the areas of manufacturing, offices, depots, warehouses, hangars, warehouses, canteens, construction sites of large, utility areas, shops, farmaceutical industries, laboratories, hotels, clinics, schools and shopping centers.
Eneida Nascimento (Owner) : Responsible for technical management, preparation and supervision of civil construction works and projects that meet the functional requirements, corporate, environmental and social strategic, defined by clients, Stakeholders and current legislation. Development of suppliers of products and services, and the coordination of project and civil construction teams.Responsible for developing projects and layout of land reform in accordance with the regulations and policies of EHS and quality engineering, followed by the company in writing projects of architecture and layout, as well as in monitoring timelines and service programming in response to the audits and projects housekeepings requested by customers.

Eneida Nascimento

Responsável técnica pelo gerenciamento, elaboração e fiscalização dos projetos e obras de construção civil que atendam às necessidades funcionais, corporativas, estratégicas, ambientais e sociais, definidas pelos clientes, Stakeholders e legislação vigente. Responsável pelo desenvolvimento de fornecedores de produtos e serviços e pela coordenação de equipes de projeto.

Responsible for management activities, preparation and supervision of civil construction works and projects that meet the functional requirements, corporate, environmental and social strategic, defined by clients, Stakeholders and current legislation. Responsible for the development of suppliers of products and services, and the coordination of project teams.

Projetos de Arquitetura e Interiores
Áreas servidas
Sao Jose dos Campos – SP
Avenida Alfredo Ignacio Nogueira Penido, 305 sala 803 – Jd. Aquarius
12246000 Sao Jose Dos Campos – Sp