APARTAMENTO SANTO AGOSTINHO, Cícera Gontijo Cícera Gontijo Salas de estar modernas
APARTAMENTO SANTO AGOSTINHO, Cícera Gontijo Cícera Gontijo Salas de estar modernas

Este projeto de 205,00m² foi idealizado para um jovem casal e sua filha. Pensando no conforto e requinte, foram utilizadas cores e peças diferentes de acordo com o gosto dos clientes, que queriam ambientes bem iluminados e coloridos.

A área social abriga três ambientes integrados, sala estar, jantar e varanda. No estar a utilização do painel de madeira teve como objetivo dar aconchego ao ambiente e valorizar a adega criada. O espelho colocado propositalmente na sala de jantar tornou o ambiente mais amplo criando uma integração entre os ambientes. A varanda gourmet foi projetada para manter uma linguagem harmoniosa com o estar. Na cozinha, destaque para a mesa em madeirado que sobe até o teto evidenciando o pendente. A utilização das cores nas suas mais diversas tonalidades, a pedido dos clientes, foram usadas no quarto de hóspedes, filha e casal.

This apartment of 205,00 m² was designed for a young couple and their daughter. Thinking of comfort and refinement, we used different colors and parts according to the taste of the clients who wanted bright and colorful environments.

The social area houses three integrated environments, living room, dining room and balcony. Be in the use of wood panel aimed to give warmth to the environment and enhance the winery created. The mirror purposely placed in the dining room became the wider environment creating an integration between the environments. The gourmet balcony was designed to maintain a harmonious language to be. In the kitchen, especially the woodgrain table that rises to the ceiling showing the pendant. The use of colors in its various shades, at the request of customers, were used in the guest room, and daughter couple. was designed for a young couple and their daughter. Thinking of comfort and refinement, we used different colors and parts according to the taste of customers who wanted bright and colorful environments.

The social area houses three integrated environments, living room, dining room and balcony. Be in the use of wood panel aimed to give warmth to the environment and enhance the winery created. The mirror purposely placed in the dining room became the wider environment creating an integration between the environments. The gourmet balcony was designed to maintain a harmonious language to be. In the kitchen, especially the woodgrain table that rises to the ceiling showing the pendant. The use of colors in its various shades, at the request of customers, were used in the guest room, and daughter couple.

Créditos fotográficos: Jomar Bragança
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